Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The First Edition

So, I've started a blog, and I believe that I have a more legitimate claim to start one than the average Joe because heck, I am taking professional writing. Not that this will in anyway be professional.

The jist:

1) I have recently moved to Waterton, Alberta, and I'm on my own for the first time in my life. Hopefully this will lead to witty and entertaining stories. As of yet...there are a couple.
2) I love movies, music, and television so expect a handy dose of my pop culture splash on your innocent mind.
3) I going to write this blog as if I have an audience even though I may never have one.
4) Spell check and grammar check still allude me, but hey if you are smarter than me you may alert me to my mistakes but only if you are willing to explain it.

OK, so I'm now on my fifth day here in Waterton and I'll fill everyone up to speed. I took this job as a room attendant (maid) at the Waterton Lakes Resort. So far that has consisted of copious amounts of laundry, making beds, and scrubbing the bath mat marks off of at least ten tubs. Its tough but at the end of the day I'm pretty tired and sore, so I sleep like a baby. I'm not entirely sure yet what I think of this job or even living here yet. I came to Waterton to see if I could survive or maybe even thrive on my own and it hasn't really been long even to determine either.

There are some amazing things about living here. First, its Waterton. I look outside and I see exactly why I'm so lucky to be here. I mean, I'm completely surrounded by mountains. Gorgeous mountains. Every window in my apartment has a breathtaking view. Second, I've actually made some friends. Anti-social me. They are pretty awesome and together we have already developed an amazing potato recipe that will rock your socks. Third, all these things mean that I walk to work with a smile on my face. Fourth, as of yet I have no roommates, though they will be coming shortly. So that means, jazz music will I'm folding my laundry. Its the way Jamie Cullum should be appreciated.

A witty story for your day:

Ok, my first day of work was my third day here. I was expected to be at work at eight, which was completely fine. I got up at 6:30 and showered. Then I walked to my bedroom, which was locked. So at 6:45 on my first day of work I had to walk in my pjs (pj pants and a basketball jersey!) to the front desk and ask them to open my door. Of course, I had to wait in the hotel lobby until 7:45 before the front desk attendant came in. Luckily there was a nice guy cleaning who helped me out. I didn't have my glasses so I'm not sure what he looks like. Hopefully there is a dramatic difference between how I looked that morning in sheep pjs, a basketball jersey and bed head. Hopefully, the next time he sees me he won't connect the dots. Eventually they came to open my door which as it turned out did not even have a key to unlock it. They had to break it down. On my first day of work, while I was standing there in my pjs. My sheep pjs. I do many things well, but my first impressions are always memorable.

Music for your enjoyment:

As I mentioned earlier, jazz music is meant to be appreciated folding laundry. Jamie Cullum especially. I recommend: Nothing I Do, while doing your whites. So you can use your socks as missiles against your special someone or imaginary someone. Mind Trick, when doing sheets. Its got that funky groove that demands a swivel, plus you've got to shake out the sheets so its a win win scenario. Trust me, Jamie Cullum is my new laundry man.

That's the jist for today.

1 comment:

  1. I know that you will acomplish all that you set your mind to.
    Have fun this summer

