Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chuck Norris Plays A Part

You May Laugh, But When This Summers Done I'm Gonna Take Down Chuck Norris
Ah, Chuck Norris. I saw a poster today at Wal-Mart and it just reminded me of all the great, amazing Chuck Norris jokes. My point is that my "candy store" job is seriously a chuck Norris in training job. I've continued working there on my days off and in the evenings after work. I did actually get some practice in the store ringing in stuff, and scooping ice cream but for the most part I have continued my worm and weed genocide, raking, and last night, hauling cords of wood onto the deck so they can be sold. Its tough work, especially when I'm already tired from working all day at the resort but I'm hoping that the paycheck will be worth it!

Work, Work, Is All I Do
I felt like I had to update this blog because its been a couple of days but I find that I don't really have an exciting news to report all I have been doing is working. Which is exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I guess I can report that I'm feeling pretty proud of myself today. On Monday I finished work at about eight and then went home. My friend came over and we went for a walk at about 8:30 and swung on the swings for a bit. By the time we were done at probably 9:30 I had a major headache and was feeling really nauseous but I figured it was just from the swings. Boy, was I wrong. I caught some nasty little flu bug and I felt completely horrible for the next 24 hours. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't throw up. I hate it, and I just don't even when I'm sick. So I was in agony because my stomach literally felt like it was bubbling, and on fire. It was horrible, but I survived and preserved enough to made it through work the next day and evening. I went to bed super early each night and today I officially feel 100% better!

2 More Sleeps, and An Analogy
Maybe I'm feeling so good because in two more sleeps I get to go home. I'm so excited to go home and see everyone! I think that coming back from this trip home will be harder than leaving was. Leaving felt exciting because I didn't know exactly what was going to happen but this time around I know exactly what I am coming back to. I know that I have a purpose here, and I feel like I'm doing everything I can to accomplish that purpose but it still feels harder than I thought it would be. Just hang on with me for a minute while I try a little comparison type thing. Yesterday when I hauling wood I was thinking about how my actions were kind of how life plays out. I would lift one cord of wood, carry it up the three porch steps, cross the porch, go down the next three steps and then set it in the wagon. When I had six cords of wood in the wagon I would then pull the wagon around the front of the store and up the ramp to the deck where I would remove each cord of wood and stack it against the wall. I thought the cords of wood were like life lessons that we learn and the three steps were the trials we have to go through (because they always come in threes) then life seems to plateau for awhile before a couple of things beginning sliding or going wrong (next three steps). I thought loading the cords of wood and hauling them to the deck is us learning from our trials and realizing how we used those life lessons. Finally stacking the wood up on the deck is depositing these life lessons in our lives or recording them. Does that make sense? Maybe it was just my brain firing in the heat or from the work but I've been thinking about that all day long.

My Brain is Spinning
I'm feeling very pensive which if you know me is no surprise, I'm always thinking about something. I'm not a coincidence kind of person, because for me things happen for distinct reasons and purposes, so I feel the need to analyze why and how they happen and I guess this blog has become an arena for me to discuss what I'm thinking. I apologize if I'm abusing my blog privileges by filling it with my mumbo jumbo. If you're feeling brave check out Spinning By Jack's Mannequin, its a great hopeful song that perfectly describes where my head is right now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Answering Bell

I committed Worm and Weed Genocide
So, I started my first official day at Welch's chocolate shop last night for some part time hours. When she hired me I was told I would probably be working in the pie shop or the candy shop so I showed up prepared for those duties. But she had different ideas for me. I spent the evening raking, digging, mulching, and weeding the entire front of the store. I dug for about an hour and a half, raked the entire back and front, and then we got started weeding. I killed hundreds of weeds, and worms but that place looks so good now. She told me that on my weekday evening shifts I'll probably be doing similar work until they get the place looking the way she wants it to. It was tough work, especially because I had hiked bears hump that day but it felt really good. It felt good to get in there and do something so physical, I felt like I was actually accomplishing something. But I totally messed up my back, it was just aching last night and it is still a little sore this morning. It probably didn't help that I played tennis with friends after work until about ten. Well, I guess it doesn't really matter I'm only young once.

I have another roommate now
Another roommate arrived last night, she is from Quebec and is very nice. She is good friends with my other roommate so they share a room. Our place is filling up fast, its tiny so there is not alot of room for stuff. But its coming together and beginning to look like home a bit.

I Have to Say It
This is complete coincidence but I'm listening to my itunes on shuffle again and guess whats playing? Only one of my most favourite classic songs of all time: Highway To Hell, seriously who does not love this song? I may be a heathen but I don't care this song is just exactly what it says it is! Love it!

I'm Being Neglectful
It has been brought to my attention that I have not been paying good enough attention to this blog as of late, and my post for yesterday just dealt with Bear's Hump so I'll update you on whats happened since my last official blog post. We passed our room inspection with flying colours, (the banana bread totally worked, they said our place smelled super nice!), and I've just been hanging out with my friends mostly. On Wednesday night we walked around the whole town site which took about twenty mins (a little depressing) and then we played on the swings. Yes, the swings. They just put this new park in right between my house and the chocolate shop and I'm proud to say that my friends and I commandeer the swings regularly. Its so fun, they should install swings in office buildings people would be less depressed. Seriously, how could you not be happy when you are swinging? Its the best part of childhood.

The Dork in Me Can't Resist
I saw X-Men, The Origins of Wolverine. Its playing here in town so on Tuesday we went to go see it. It was pretty cool to see a movie here in Waterton. Its a tiny little theatre, you have to buy your ticket from the guy in the booth before you enter the theatre just like in old movies. The theatre is pretty cool too, its old so the seats suck and they are elevated but its got an awesome stained glass light above and a big stage for productions. It's very classic and cool. I loved that part of it. My friends were not so into the whole X-Men thing, in fact one of them didn't even know what X-Men was. The dork in me cried a little. But they came with me, which was awesome and even though they didn't enjoy the movie I liked it. It was a little over the top, and Wolverine was a little bit of a wuss for me but other than that I did enjoy it. Its never going to compare to the awesomeness of the first two X-men movies but its more along the lines of the similarly over the top, third movie. I still loved it though, but then again I'm a geek.

So For Now,
I'm officially caught up and I'll do my best to stay caught up. Today I go back to work at the chocolate shop at two and right now I'm baking some more banana bread because its kind of become my specialty here. I hope that anyone who reads this is doing well, I miss everybody but next week I get to come home for a few days! I can't wait!!

You knew it was coming
Favourite song of today? Answering Bell By Ryan Adams. Awesome little country/folk tune and completely true. I love Ryan Adams he is the absolute best at everything he does, especially his new stuff.

I'm Just Saying Hi To Your Answering Bell!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Adrenaline Rush

I Just Conquered Bears Hump!!!!

It's been lovely here today and yesterday. I am off today and tomorrow but my friends were off wednesday and thursday but I really wanted to do some hiking, specifically Bears Hump. I wanted to do it so bad that I went by myself. Stupid now that I think of it, but I glad I did it. It was Amazing! I'm so glad that I got to experience that on my own. The view is amazing and so worth it after all the effort to get to the top. Its not a very long hike but its pretty straight up. I loved it though, and when I got to the top I was completely alone. I completely lost my dignity and caught myself on camera doing it but I don't even care. It was an amazing moment. Bear's Hump is such a gorgeous hike, the trees are pretty dense but every once in awhile you get a break in the trees and you get a spectacular view. You can see the whole townsite at the top and everything looks so small. It's crazy!! This is from the top of Bears Hump, its the mountain off to the side.

Above is a picture of the townsite from the top of Bears Hump. Its a sheer rock wall so I had to lay flat on my belly to take the picture and even though I am terrified of heights I didn't even care, that's what adrenaline does to you I guess. The blog thing won't really let me move it around but its there at least for you to see! It was so amazing, I uploaded some videos I took with my cell phone to facebook so if you would like you can check those out there. I saw so many cool things hiking bears hump. When I got to the top there were some little chipmucks that were violently fighting one another. It was hilarious. On my way up to the summit I was also almost run over by a big horned sheep. You know, the ones with the horns that curl around their heads. I was walking up the trail when I saw two of them about 30 feet ahead. I stopped and held perfectly still. The big one looked at me, stomped his foot (i thought I was going to die) and then looked at me again and almost seemed to shrug like "oh yeah just another dumb human" and then ran right pass me. Right pass me. I could have reached out and touched it. It was so freaky and then the baby bounded up the hill the other way and I didn't see it. When I could breathe again I continued up the mountain. It was totally stupid to go by myself and take my ipod with me but I loved it, not that I will do it again. This has been the best experience for me so far while I have been here. It was amazing!

Way To Much Of A Cathartic Release

I was so excited on my way down, i was literally shaking with excitement. The whole hike down and into town I was smiling like an idiot or just randomly laughing out loud. It was so stupid but so fun. On the way down though a few awesome songs did play while on shuffle that perfectly suited my mood. Fortune By Great Big Sea. I learned this song in grade five from my teacher Mrs. Baggs. It's one of my favourite memories from gr. 5 and no matter where I am I always sing it, so yes, I sang it as I was walking down the trail! Then my ipod played Swim by Jack's Mannequin which was completely appropriate for my mood. But my absolute favourite song that played on the way down and that perfectly summarized how I felt was If I Ever Leave This World Alive by Floggin Molly. It just summed up that experience perfectly!!

I'm High As A Kite, Because I Just Did Bears Hump!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Living A Techincolour Life

Planning on living long and far its good
I saw star trek! OK, I am a dork and I will whole heartily admit that but I have never been a "trekkie" (one k or two? see I don't even know!) but I did see the movie with a friend (who cannot be named because of a publicity contract clause) on Thursday night. It was amazing or maybe it just felt like it because I got out of town! We drove into lethbridge to see it so i didn't get home until about 11 but it was all worth it even though I had to work at seven the next morning. I had an awesome time, driving and chatting and listening to music. It was awesome! It reminded me of being at home and hanging out with all my friends, and it took the edge off of being a little (just a tiny bit) lonely here. It was weird though because we were talking and stuff just like at home but we were both hours from home and in a totally different place. I think that's how the idea of home can be transient.

Its Sunday Again...
Sundays went from my favourite day of the week to my least favourite because I know exactly what I am missing. And it sucks. If I was at home now I would be having a great Sunday and looking forward to starting my week but today the day just feels long and weird because I wasn't were I wanted to be. I'm sorry if your reading this I just have to vent. Sundays were always my favourite day because I never had school or work or friend issues to deal with. It was about what really mattered church and family. Now I'm sitting on my couch typing with my feet propped up because they hurt from work!

I'm being a Downer and I'm going to stop
You know, when I wrote my play last year one of the actors who portrayed one of the characters I wrote said that her favourite thing about the character was how aware the character was of her flaws and her attempts to overcome those flaws. I never realized that and I wrote it. I really liked that and I find myself thinking about how I envisioned that character and the characteristics I liked about that character and trying to emulate those characteristics. If your reading this and your are confused I wrote a play last year for a teen festival that was read at the citadel. It was an amazing experience, probably one of the best of my life. I think about it often and the things I learned from it about writing and character development and myself. I think that is one of the most important lessons I learned though. So I'm going to leave this and go for a walk around town. Its beautiful outside and sunny and I'm in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I'm blessed, lucky, and loved. And I know it.

Before I Go...
I am missing out on some amazing concerts in Edmonton this year and the one I am most sad about is Coldplay! So in honour I have two amazing favourites off their new album: Reign of Love/Lovers in Japan, and Life in Technicolour. My absolute favourite is Life in Technicolour even though its instrumental because its so hopeful and it gradually build up.

As my German Front Desk Manager would say:
Auf Wiedersehen

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's All About Perspective

Some Things Really Just Are That Small
So, that past couple of days I've been feeling a little down, I guess you could say that I was a little homesick or just sick of the rain (which has not stopped). This morning my mom texted me and sent me a link to a friend's blog. This friend recently had a baby and there were complications that were outlined in the blog. I read through the whole blog this afternoon. It's funny how prayers are answered because I still miss home and everything and its still raining but all that doesn't really seem important like it did. In the grand scheme of things this will all be over soon. I was really humbled by the strength of this friend and her family and they will be in my prayers. Reading what they have been through and are going through really strengthened me. I feel very blessed.

It's A Goal
I came out here to Waterton to be on my own and make enough money to pay my full tuition in sept. After a couple of weeks out here (and when the work really started kicking in) I felt like I wasn't actually going to be able to complete my goal. Somebody is definitely watching out for me because its all starting to work out. I was off today and this morning I went for a walk. I decided to pop into the local candy shop where my friend JT worked last year to check it out. An extremely nice lady named Carol owns it and she started talking to me. I told her I was working at the resort as a housekeeper and she offered me a part time job at the candy store/pie shop in the evenings after I am done work! I now have two jobs and I'm pretty sure that I will make the money I need to for school. It's only 12:42 and I'm feeling incredibly blessed today!!

I Think I Have Some Followers
I gave in and shamelessly (actually I was full of shame) self-promoted my blog on facebook via my status. I know, its what everyone does. But hey, even if its just my family following me at least that's somebody. Plus, its alot more fun when I write shout-outs to people!

Them Bones, Them Bones
I watched the season finale of Bones last night. I don't think I could actually comment much on it here because my brain is still reeling. I'm going to have to watch it again. But if you watched it, facebook me or email me because I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and if it was actually good or not. This show is my new smallville (as it winds down) so I've got to make sure of how I feel about it. It hurt my brain last night, so bad.

Bribing The Judges
As part of my housing agreement once a month they come in and inspect the apartment to make sure that we aren't completely destroying it. Today is inspection day and so far no one has come unless they came while I was gone this morning. I'm not really worried about it, my roommate Christina and I cleaned it pretty good. However I'm not getting charged a $100 fee so I'm bribing the judges. I made banana bread (which is cooking right now and making my stomach rumble) and this place smells good. There is no way we will fail now!! This is an old trick I learned when I worked at Cookies By George, if the day was slow we would just throw a batch in the oven and suddenly people would come because of the smell. It also works well for real estate! Hopefully it does the trick unless they came while I was out.

I'll Trade You A Thousand Words For A Picture
This blog is so barren. I really need to buy a camera and upload some photos. I'm in one of the most beautiful places in the world and I have no evidence of it. For all you know I could still be home in Edmonton (I'm not). If the pay stuff starts working out I might buy a super cheap one. They had a really cheap digital camera ($40) in the bargain shop in Pincher Creek. So maybe, or maybe not. We'll see.

Feeling Hopeful
With today's hopeful mood and blessing galore, I've been listening to shuffle. Some good hopeful songs for the day: Then I'll Be Smiling by Matt Nathanson, Dearest by Buddy Holly, and my favourite of the past couple weeks I Like What You Say by Nada Surf. They will bring a smile to your face.

Banana Bread Finished Cooking, Smells Good, Tastes Better!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Said You Wouldn't, No You Wouldn't Make A Fool Out of Me!

Running Does Not Cure The Rain

It has been pouring rain here in Waterton for the past few days and its really not cool. I mean, it seriously sucks because when its crappy outside there is really nothing to do. So I sit at home, reading and missing everyone. Which is not good. During one momentary break from the rain, I did go for a run from which the endorphins that flooded my system made me feel better. But I'm still angry. I am here for the sunshine, hiking, and being outside. Not sitting in my room drinking hot chocolate and looking at the cloud bank covering the mountains and town. Seriously, this is one, if not the most cruel joke yet that Mother Nature has played on me.

I'm A Cleaner, You're Not, But You Should Still Know...

Ahh, the mysteries of housecleaning. I'm seriously afraid after I'm done this job that I may never be able to stay at a hotel. I wouldn't share any of the details with you except to give you two pieces of advice. Never use the cups that are wrapped in the "sparkling clean paper" unless they are disposable and don't let the comforter/duvet touch your skin. Ever. I won't tell you why, but trust me it's not worth it. This all reminds me of this promo for the news in the states. For some reason our tv here gets the southern California channel and I love watching the news there. It's all doom and gloom. These channels completely play the fear card with their viewers. For example, the other night they were promoting a new story on the bacteria that is on your cell phone. The script for the promo was out a horror movie. "What's on your cell phone, could kill you! Tune in to ktla at 11 to find out what deadly bacteria lurks on the surface of the object you hold up to your face everyday" Seriously?! I don't know why people are surprised that your cell phone has bacteria on it. Of course it will if you don't watch your hands or disinfect it. The funny thing was, I didn't actually watch the news story because it was on at 11 and I had to be up early for work but I saw that promo at least twenty times just watching one show. They would start the commercial break with the promo, throw it in the middle of the break and then end the break with it again!! No wonder the economy sucks down there and people are depressed. If I had to watch the news there, I would be too.

I Really Miss Cruising

It's weird the things that I miss about home. Of course I miss my family, my friends, and my puppy but I miss weird things too. Like driving, my stereo, and my bookshelf. I miss the ease of these things. I think I miss driving the most. I really love driving and I loved listening to my music while I was driving. Some music just requires a louder venue. Like Flogging Molly for instance. Requiem For A Dying Song requires driving and singing at the top of my lungs, as well as You Wouldn't Make A Fool Out Of Me. It's just not the same to listen to those songs and not do that. Plus, I still find myself tapping my foot, and dancing to my tunes which is kind of embarrassing walking down the street or working. I'm really looking forward to taking a drive when I get back.

I'll end this one Flogging Molly style:

With you my love, with you I will return!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Which, Rambling Occurred

It's Mother's Day!!
So, today is officially the first mother's day that I can remember not being at home with my mom. It's kinda weird.

The Weather
I'm not actually going to tell you about the weather just that today is pretty much the first day since I've been here that the sun has decided to stay out all day. It's awesome. I came home from work and the socks came off, and they are staying off. The downside is that I think I need to vacuum my house. The funny thing is the town is really starting to wake up. All the businesses are opening, the hotels are getting busier, and for the first time since leaving Edmonton I heard a car honk it's horn in frustration at a pedestrian. Next thing you know there might even be traffic jam!

Taking The Triumphs As They Come
Today is Sunday and if you are reading this and you know me, then you know that I am usually in church on Sunday. I don't really like working on Sundays and I'm hoping that pretty soon I won't have to. I've really been trying to make sure that I remember its Sunday, I read my scriptures a little longer, listen to church music, and try and keep my thoughts centered. The thing is, most of the people I work with are pretty rough. They drop f-bombs the way I say stupid. Its ridiculous. Some of them make an effort around me, and consequently only use the f-bomb every five words instead of three. I appreciate that. But today, I really didn't want to be around that. So I was pretty lucky because I was assigned to work by myself. It was a really good day. I got all my rooms done and I felt really good at the end. I feel like the more time I spend here in Waterton, the better I will be at setting goals and determining what I am capable of. That's the plan at least. So even though I had to work on Sunday, I feel like today I have been pretty blessed because I was able to get everything done and concentrate on the things that matter to me as I completed my work. All in all, it was a great day.

One of the funniest things about myself is the way I make connections with activities and people. For example, playing rockband. No matter where I am or who I am with, I will always think of Chuck and Cassie. Always because that's what we do. But, some of the weird connections are activities that you associate with people that you didn't ever do together. Like, cleaning a tub for instance. Whenever I am cleaning a tub I always think of one person. Always, so considering what I spend my days doing this person is always in my thoughts lately. Its a weird connection and because I have been cleaning tubs so much lately I've actually made an effort not to think about this person while I am doing it. But then I still think about them. So, its a lose-lose situation. It makes me frustrated with my own brain, because it feels like I can't control my brain. If that makes any sense. Maybe I'm just cleaning too many tubs. I need some real intellectual stimulation.

Intellectual Stimulation (You can't buy segways that good)
I have begun reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. I love Jane Austen, seriously I'm not a huge lover of the classics for a person who loves literature but I read pride and prejudice in two weeks. I couldn't put it down which was really weird. Now that I reading Jane Austen again, it makes me love her style of writing all over again. She crafts her characters so carefully. They are well thought out, and so realistic. I draw parallels from her characters to people I actually know. It's awesome. Plus, unlike many classics, her novels move quickly because she really knows how to keep a readers attention, even if she is just discussing what a character looks like or acts like. I also love that she is not a romantic, so there are no five page descriptions of the weather outside. As an author, she recognizes that she needs to put pictures in the readers mind but not describe the brushstrokes that make up the pictures. I'm pretty excited about this book.

As always,
I can't get this song out of my head the past couple of days. A Millon Ways by Ok Go. I like these guys more and more each time I listen to them. I really like the lead singers voice and who wouldn't love a band that dances on treadmills? That alone made me a fan for life. Seriously, youtube it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Am A Rock... of Work

We'll start this one off with a little witty:

I am not an actual blonde. I am a dirty blonde, particularly brunette who streaks her hair blonde. Its not platinum blonde or anything, and its very natural looking. Just so that can be cleared up before I begin to tell you my most blonde moment yet. About twenty mins after I wrote my last post I went to clean my bedroom up a bit. I had light my febreeze candle because its apple cinnamon so it makes everything smell really nice. It had been burning awhile so I decided to blow it out. The wick on the candle is pretty thick so you usually have to blow hard to get it out with shooting a stray spark off. For some reason I decided to blow ridiculously hard while holding the candle ridiculously close to my face. Needless to say I was splattered in hot candle wax. Surprisingly it didn't burn me, and my glasses saved my eyes so there was no real damage except the loss of my dignity and possibly self-respect. I have not lit the candle since.

Work is actually going good because I'm now settling into a pattern. I've somewhat found a rhythm and the monotony of my days is settling in here. For right now that's a good think, but I think I can safely assume that in two weeks that won't be the case. However the upside to my new job training, is that I am now a world class bed maker. I have the hospital corner down pat, and can make a bed in 5 mins flat. Eventually when the job becomes really monotonous I'll bring a stopwatch and time myself. Just for kicks.

At the resort this week we had two greyhound buses of band kids staying here. They were about junior high age. Yesterday, we did stayover cleaning which is basically replacing towels, and making beds in rooms that are still being used. I was lucky enough to be sent to the boys rooms. I swear, I will personally kill my brother if he is ever as messy as these boys. There were boxers everywhere, and chips, and salsa, and for some reason they all had an Xbox and twenty games despite the fact that is was a weekend trip. It was ridiculous. One room had the complete rockband set, including drums while another room tried to make macaroni and cheese in their coffee pot. Children suck, with me at the moment.

In other news:
I now have a roommate named Christina who is very nice and really fun. We took at walk around town last night and watched a movie. Its nice to have somebody in the apartment, and to have someone to talk to. It was getting a little depressing being here all the time by myself.

Music stuff:
I was working with a guy named Clint today and we were talking about our favourite classic songs and artists. I'm going to holler my, Simon and Garfunkel. I love them, I absolutely love them. Especially, Cecilia, I Am A Rock, and The Only Living Boy in New York. Check them out, they will change your life. There's a million reasons they are loved by many and forever.

Now, I'm off to ice my back.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Psychology and Cooking

I've been off work since Tuesday and of course with my luck it has been rainy and cold here in Waterton. Luckily my aunt, who lives in Cardston half an hour away, came and picked me up for a little sleepover. It was alot of fun. She and her husband have two daughters, Hallie (4) and Ava (2). I haven't really been around little kids in awhile, so I had forgotten how invigorating it can be. Seriously, I think when they aren't your kids you just feel wonderfully drained when you leave them. It's not a bad feeling. Its more like you are completely drained emotionally and physically, in a good way. If that makes any sense.

That's my psychology lesson for the day.

I got back to good old Waterton last night, and it was so weird because for the first time since I've been here I thought of the mountains and my little apartment as home. I was happy to walk into my place and see my stuff and most importantly look at my mountains at the glorious mountains. I'm so incredibly lucky and humbled to be here. Even when I'm completely worn out from work and stressed I just have to look outside to see why I am here. It's nice to see your purpose so physically every morning.

Ok, enough rambling.

Bones, is one of my favourite television shows and somehow last night it was on a day early, not that I'm complaining. It was amazing! Great show, great performances, and great writing. It has the best black humour. Literally, the main characters, Booth and Brennan, discuss their personal lives (or argue) over the most horrifically decomposed bodies I have ever seen on television. The show should win awards just for the (fake) human remains they think of. Like the body last night. It was stuffed in a wine barrel and the bones were stained with wine, so they used 781 (yes, that specific) denture cleaner tablets to clean the bones. Now I have that wonderful visual every time I go to clean my retainer. I love Bones. Seriously though, check it out, because it also has some of the best characterization and development of characters for a procedural show that I have ever seen. The writers have an amazing grasp of who the characters are and how they would act. Its very well written.

I think I mentioned in my last post that my friends and I developed the best potatoes in the world. Well, I'm pretty sure it was all pure luck but heck, they were so good the world needs to know. Somehow we just threw all this stuff together and it was a perfect combination. So if you are feeling brave.

Quarter your potatoes and leave the skin on. Cut up as much onion as you desire. Spread canola oil over it to cook it. Then throw in some balsamic vinegar, lemon pepper seasoning, sea salt, pepper, and a little crushed Chile's. Cook until it all smells good. Hopefully it will work again, because they were way too good to be a one time fluke.

I love cooking. I think its really cool to take some ingredients and throw them together to make something delicious. I associate cooking with family. My extended family is large and most of my memories are of us, cooking and eating together. We all pitch in, cooking and cleaning, stepping on one another toes. I think that's the best thing about family. That safety to be together, doing something totally mundane but special because you are all together. Like yesterday, my aunt taught my grandma, my other aunt, and my little cousin how to make sushi. I didn't like it, but I loved learning with them. That's what I love most about my family, even sad occasions like funerals, are happy because we are together and we love each other.

I think its kind of ironic that as I writing this, Catch My Disease by Ben Lee is playing. Check him out, he will put at smile on your face.

Until next time...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The First Edition

So, I've started a blog, and I believe that I have a more legitimate claim to start one than the average Joe because heck, I am taking professional writing. Not that this will in anyway be professional.

The jist:

1) I have recently moved to Waterton, Alberta, and I'm on my own for the first time in my life. Hopefully this will lead to witty and entertaining stories. As of yet...there are a couple.
2) I love movies, music, and television so expect a handy dose of my pop culture splash on your innocent mind.
3) I going to write this blog as if I have an audience even though I may never have one.
4) Spell check and grammar check still allude me, but hey if you are smarter than me you may alert me to my mistakes but only if you are willing to explain it.

OK, so I'm now on my fifth day here in Waterton and I'll fill everyone up to speed. I took this job as a room attendant (maid) at the Waterton Lakes Resort. So far that has consisted of copious amounts of laundry, making beds, and scrubbing the bath mat marks off of at least ten tubs. Its tough but at the end of the day I'm pretty tired and sore, so I sleep like a baby. I'm not entirely sure yet what I think of this job or even living here yet. I came to Waterton to see if I could survive or maybe even thrive on my own and it hasn't really been long even to determine either.

There are some amazing things about living here. First, its Waterton. I look outside and I see exactly why I'm so lucky to be here. I mean, I'm completely surrounded by mountains. Gorgeous mountains. Every window in my apartment has a breathtaking view. Second, I've actually made some friends. Anti-social me. They are pretty awesome and together we have already developed an amazing potato recipe that will rock your socks. Third, all these things mean that I walk to work with a smile on my face. Fourth, as of yet I have no roommates, though they will be coming shortly. So that means, jazz music will I'm folding my laundry. Its the way Jamie Cullum should be appreciated.

A witty story for your day:

Ok, my first day of work was my third day here. I was expected to be at work at eight, which was completely fine. I got up at 6:30 and showered. Then I walked to my bedroom, which was locked. So at 6:45 on my first day of work I had to walk in my pjs (pj pants and a basketball jersey!) to the front desk and ask them to open my door. Of course, I had to wait in the hotel lobby until 7:45 before the front desk attendant came in. Luckily there was a nice guy cleaning who helped me out. I didn't have my glasses so I'm not sure what he looks like. Hopefully there is a dramatic difference between how I looked that morning in sheep pjs, a basketball jersey and bed head. Hopefully, the next time he sees me he won't connect the dots. Eventually they came to open my door which as it turned out did not even have a key to unlock it. They had to break it down. On my first day of work, while I was standing there in my pjs. My sheep pjs. I do many things well, but my first impressions are always memorable.

Music for your enjoyment:

As I mentioned earlier, jazz music is meant to be appreciated folding laundry. Jamie Cullum especially. I recommend: Nothing I Do, while doing your whites. So you can use your socks as missiles against your special someone or imaginary someone. Mind Trick, when doing sheets. Its got that funky groove that demands a swivel, plus you've got to shake out the sheets so its a win win scenario. Trust me, Jamie Cullum is my new laundry man.

That's the jist for today.