Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chuck Norris Plays A Part

You May Laugh, But When This Summers Done I'm Gonna Take Down Chuck Norris
Ah, Chuck Norris. I saw a poster today at Wal-Mart and it just reminded me of all the great, amazing Chuck Norris jokes. My point is that my "candy store" job is seriously a chuck Norris in training job. I've continued working there on my days off and in the evenings after work. I did actually get some practice in the store ringing in stuff, and scooping ice cream but for the most part I have continued my worm and weed genocide, raking, and last night, hauling cords of wood onto the deck so they can be sold. Its tough work, especially when I'm already tired from working all day at the resort but I'm hoping that the paycheck will be worth it!

Work, Work, Is All I Do
I felt like I had to update this blog because its been a couple of days but I find that I don't really have an exciting news to report all I have been doing is working. Which is exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I guess I can report that I'm feeling pretty proud of myself today. On Monday I finished work at about eight and then went home. My friend came over and we went for a walk at about 8:30 and swung on the swings for a bit. By the time we were done at probably 9:30 I had a major headache and was feeling really nauseous but I figured it was just from the swings. Boy, was I wrong. I caught some nasty little flu bug and I felt completely horrible for the next 24 hours. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't throw up. I hate it, and I just don't even when I'm sick. So I was in agony because my stomach literally felt like it was bubbling, and on fire. It was horrible, but I survived and preserved enough to made it through work the next day and evening. I went to bed super early each night and today I officially feel 100% better!

2 More Sleeps, and An Analogy
Maybe I'm feeling so good because in two more sleeps I get to go home. I'm so excited to go home and see everyone! I think that coming back from this trip home will be harder than leaving was. Leaving felt exciting because I didn't know exactly what was going to happen but this time around I know exactly what I am coming back to. I know that I have a purpose here, and I feel like I'm doing everything I can to accomplish that purpose but it still feels harder than I thought it would be. Just hang on with me for a minute while I try a little comparison type thing. Yesterday when I hauling wood I was thinking about how my actions were kind of how life plays out. I would lift one cord of wood, carry it up the three porch steps, cross the porch, go down the next three steps and then set it in the wagon. When I had six cords of wood in the wagon I would then pull the wagon around the front of the store and up the ramp to the deck where I would remove each cord of wood and stack it against the wall. I thought the cords of wood were like life lessons that we learn and the three steps were the trials we have to go through (because they always come in threes) then life seems to plateau for awhile before a couple of things beginning sliding or going wrong (next three steps). I thought loading the cords of wood and hauling them to the deck is us learning from our trials and realizing how we used those life lessons. Finally stacking the wood up on the deck is depositing these life lessons in our lives or recording them. Does that make sense? Maybe it was just my brain firing in the heat or from the work but I've been thinking about that all day long.

My Brain is Spinning
I'm feeling very pensive which if you know me is no surprise, I'm always thinking about something. I'm not a coincidence kind of person, because for me things happen for distinct reasons and purposes, so I feel the need to analyze why and how they happen and I guess this blog has become an arena for me to discuss what I'm thinking. I apologize if I'm abusing my blog privileges by filling it with my mumbo jumbo. If you're feeling brave check out Spinning By Jack's Mannequin, its a great hopeful song that perfectly describes where my head is right now.

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