Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's All About Perspective

Some Things Really Just Are That Small
So, that past couple of days I've been feeling a little down, I guess you could say that I was a little homesick or just sick of the rain (which has not stopped). This morning my mom texted me and sent me a link to a friend's blog. This friend recently had a baby and there were complications that were outlined in the blog. I read through the whole blog this afternoon. It's funny how prayers are answered because I still miss home and everything and its still raining but all that doesn't really seem important like it did. In the grand scheme of things this will all be over soon. I was really humbled by the strength of this friend and her family and they will be in my prayers. Reading what they have been through and are going through really strengthened me. I feel very blessed.

It's A Goal
I came out here to Waterton to be on my own and make enough money to pay my full tuition in sept. After a couple of weeks out here (and when the work really started kicking in) I felt like I wasn't actually going to be able to complete my goal. Somebody is definitely watching out for me because its all starting to work out. I was off today and this morning I went for a walk. I decided to pop into the local candy shop where my friend JT worked last year to check it out. An extremely nice lady named Carol owns it and she started talking to me. I told her I was working at the resort as a housekeeper and she offered me a part time job at the candy store/pie shop in the evenings after I am done work! I now have two jobs and I'm pretty sure that I will make the money I need to for school. It's only 12:42 and I'm feeling incredibly blessed today!!

I Think I Have Some Followers
I gave in and shamelessly (actually I was full of shame) self-promoted my blog on facebook via my status. I know, its what everyone does. But hey, even if its just my family following me at least that's somebody. Plus, its alot more fun when I write shout-outs to people!

Them Bones, Them Bones
I watched the season finale of Bones last night. I don't think I could actually comment much on it here because my brain is still reeling. I'm going to have to watch it again. But if you watched it, facebook me or email me because I'm still trying to wrap my head around it and if it was actually good or not. This show is my new smallville (as it winds down) so I've got to make sure of how I feel about it. It hurt my brain last night, so bad.

Bribing The Judges
As part of my housing agreement once a month they come in and inspect the apartment to make sure that we aren't completely destroying it. Today is inspection day and so far no one has come unless they came while I was gone this morning. I'm not really worried about it, my roommate Christina and I cleaned it pretty good. However I'm not getting charged a $100 fee so I'm bribing the judges. I made banana bread (which is cooking right now and making my stomach rumble) and this place smells good. There is no way we will fail now!! This is an old trick I learned when I worked at Cookies By George, if the day was slow we would just throw a batch in the oven and suddenly people would come because of the smell. It also works well for real estate! Hopefully it does the trick unless they came while I was out.

I'll Trade You A Thousand Words For A Picture
This blog is so barren. I really need to buy a camera and upload some photos. I'm in one of the most beautiful places in the world and I have no evidence of it. For all you know I could still be home in Edmonton (I'm not). If the pay stuff starts working out I might buy a super cheap one. They had a really cheap digital camera ($40) in the bargain shop in Pincher Creek. So maybe, or maybe not. We'll see.

Feeling Hopeful
With today's hopeful mood and blessing galore, I've been listening to shuffle. Some good hopeful songs for the day: Then I'll Be Smiling by Matt Nathanson, Dearest by Buddy Holly, and my favourite of the past couple weeks I Like What You Say by Nada Surf. They will bring a smile to your face.

Banana Bread Finished Cooking, Smells Good, Tastes Better!

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