Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don't Shed A Tear, I'll Be Here When It All Gets Weird

Honesty is an Overrated Virtue
So, this update is a little late but in all honesty I haven't really wanted to update the blog quite yet. Everything that I have to write seems so much better tucked away in my head still and I haven't finished sorting through it yet. Normally when I write its because "I'm thinking like a cannon ball shooting out a cannon-Ryan Adams." As I've previously mentioned I've got to sort through things for awhile before I can get them out, but I guess I have some desperate fans.

This past weekend was my aunt Cindy's wedding so I got to go home Saturday and Sunday. I was off work thursday and so my grandma picked me up and I got to spend a couple days in lethbridge before we headed down for the wedding. It was really nice to spend some times with my grandparents, aunts, and cousins. Its weird, but I haven't stayed at my grandparents by myself since I was twelve, and a completely different person. I guess its been awhile. Anyway we travelled to Edmonton on Friday and arrived in Edmonton at about 9: 45. It's a really weird feeling when you get on the Anthony henday after being away for so long, its weird to be travelling home. Anyway we arrived and I was assaulted with love by my puppy and siblings. Gus missed me and I know it because he slept on my bed that night. It was hilarious. Saturday was really busy, it started with breakfast at Haps which was amazing. Just another of the many things I miss about Edmonton, and then we got ready for the wedding. Finally I got to drive my Lumina, I missed it so much, so driving was awesome. The wedding was held at the Petroleum Club of Edmonton so we all made our way over there. It was a lovely ceremony and it was so awesome to see Aunt Cindy and Wally so happy and finally getting hitched. During the ceremony my sister was rubbing her eyes like crazy and I just thought she was crying but after the ceremony she really did start crying because her eyes were "burning from the flowers." And so we went on a quest for reactine, in downtown Edmonton. Fun times. The reception was tons of fun, it was great to be with my cousins and siblings even if a certain someone was a little too tipsy! We had a great time dancing and laughing. As the official "kids" we took it upon ourselves to decorate the honeymoon vessel (the Tahoe). Then the bouquet was thrown and I was outta there. I tried desperately after the ceremony to meet up with some friends but I didn't end up leaving until 10:30 so I never got to see them but that's alright, I'll be back in no time!

The next day I got to go to sacrament for the first time in three weeks and that really made my week. It was awesome and I feel much better this week than I have in awhile. And so, just like that my busy weekend was over and I was heading back to Waterton with my grandparents.

Home isn't where the heart is, its where your junk is, I guess
So, now I'm back in Waterton and I feel alot better. This week has gone way better than the week before I left and now that I'm back I feel stronger and more ready for the rest of the summer. It has been absolutely gorgeous here and today I even tanned on my friends roof! Not that I have any colour, but I absorbed some so a couple more weeks and maybe it will show! Nothing much has really changed here or at home. It feels kind of like I step in and out of two different versions of Maddy, the home version and then the Waterton version. They aren't that different I guess, just the surroundings they are in.

In more fascinating news...
I'm a spoiled brat! Seriously, I should have moved out years ago and started a blog because it seems to be working in my favour. I was handsomely treated to a wonderful surprise of a camera when I went home so next post I will definitely be uploading some pictures from an actual camera as opposed to a cell phone!

HMV is the place for me
I admit it, though I tried to avoid it I somehow managed to visit the world's biggest eyesore, annoyance, and shopping district the West Edmonton Mall. Of course, it would have been irresponsible of me to leave without visiting the HMV store! All I'm going to say is I picked up two amazing albums! Is It Ok By Serena Ryder and The Best Of James Taylor. Serena Ryder is amazing, she has an incredible and unique voice and she is THE voice of a woman scorned. I am not kidding, and James Taylor never did anyone wrong. And yes mom, I left Serena Ryder at home, its on my bookshelf, just don't scratch it please!

Love ya'll and I'll Be Back Before You Know It!

P.S. the explanation for the title of this post, Itunes is on shuffle again and its flogging molly, If I Ever Leave This World Alive, somehow that line seemed more than appropriate for this post!

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