Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life Is Something That Happens When You Can't Get Any Sleep!

And I'm back...

As every blog post I write I will start off with an explanation of how busy life has been, but in fantastic, awesome sort of life way. Work life has been crazy busy which is actually really nice. It makes the shifts seem shorter and it makes me even more happy when I'm not working!

Well the Highlight Reel...

Plenty has happened since my last blog update so I'll try and break it down chronologically for some sort of timeline.

1st: I hiked Bertha Lake in the pouring rain. It was good, even though it really is just an extended Bear's Hump but I made it. The only thing that sucked is that there is a lot of cool stuff to see like a massive waterfall off the side of the mountain but it's all blocked by trees so in all my pictures everything looks way less epic than it actually was. Plus I looked like a drowned rat and that's never attractive.

2nd: We hiked Crypt Lake. This hike was actually amazing and the weather was fantastic. I loved Crypt and I'm glad I made it. The first three km are really easy and then the switchbacks and the shale start but it wasn't too bad. The worst part was the tunnel and the cliff face. Crypt has this huge shale cliff face you have to walk along that leads to a tunnel that you have to climb up a ladder to go through. From there you walk along another higher, and scarier cliff face while holding onto a cable. For the readers who are aware of my fear of heights you can just imagine how I dealt with that. But I made it through. There was plenty of snow still at the top which was difficult to traverse and led to me sliding down the mountain on the way back. Luckily this experience helped me to prove the age old movie/tv cliche of the last ditch attempt to grab a protruding stick/pole while falling. Yes, that's right I saved my own life sliding down a cliff by grabbing a protruding stick. I have the distinct memory of thinking while I was hanging by the stick "I can't believe this actually works in real life." Luckily it all worked out and I only feel another two dozen times tripping over my own feet on the way back.

3rd: That same day we hiked Crypt I also pulled my first all nighter. It's weird but at twenty I've never pulled a complete all nighter. I always tank out around 3 or 4 am. Anyway this time we just piled into the jeep, headed into Lethbridge, grabbed some energy drinks and basically lit up the town. Just kidding. I can't exactly divulge the activities but nothing too illegal happened and nothing too sinful happened. It was fun though I must admit, and watching the sun rise driving back at 6 the next morning was definitely awesome. I have to admit though the next day I definately was feeling what I have dubbed the "sober hangover." Lots of water, and lots of sleep and eventually the energy drinks and rowdiness of the night wore off.

4th: I was invited to dinner with some family friends in Cardston. JT, Megan and I went and we had a blast. It was awesome catching up and we played some wicked Wii. I still suck but I've determined that is my lot in life when it comes to video games.

5th: There have been a couple more late night activities such as bridge jumping, lake jumping, and the basic activities of hoodlums. It's been awesome and fantastic and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
6th: We hit up the Calgary Stampede. It was an expensive and amazing adventure even though I had to ride amusement park rides which I hate. It was a great time and an almost experience. So awesome that it actually deserves it's own blog post so stay tuned for that I promise it will be coming soon!!

7th: We drove out to Thunder in the Valley. For those who don't know it's a massive fireworks display down by Crows Nest Past, just past Frank Slide. The drive was amazing and the fireworks were mind blowing. I'm not even kidding I sat there in awe like a kid on Christmas morning. It was awesome and trust me I've seen some good firework shows and this beat them hands down. I'm not sure if it was the mountains, the prevalent weed smell, or the the general hick nature of everyone there but it was a great time and an awesome show!

8th: My fam-jam came down to visit me. They left on Thursday and it was super nice to see them. It was also super nice to be feed by them.

Ok, the highlight reel is caught up. Now for the fun stuff.

Toy Story 3!!!
I love Toy Story. I always have. I had a Buzz Lightyear doll, and I still have a Woody doll. I think it's amazing and genius and I always wished that my toys were alive when I was little (and maybe even still). I saw it and this movie blew my mind. First off it was entirely quote able ("The Claw!! The Claw!!!" "It's triple thick, poly etherne!") Secondly the storyline and character development was super awesome. I was too close for comfort to tears at one point. Thirdly Buzz Lightyear did the tango that sold the movie for me right there.

Ok, the bacholerette thing. It's my duty to inform you that it has passed. I watched two episodes, saw the Jake/Vienna/who the crap are these people break-up interview and I was done. I'm considering that an act of divine intervention.

So we drove into Lethbridge for the sole purpose of seeing Predators and it was an hour and half of my life that I'll never get back. I thought it would be bad, but bad like the first one with the Govenator was bad. In an enjoyable let's kill dreadlocked aliens sort of way, with super cheesy effects. This one was so bad it was not even enjoyable which considering Deep Blue Sea is one of my all time favourite movies is really saying something.


Work is calling my name. But I'll update soon with the complete Calgary Stampede story and an update on whatever crazy schengians we get up to in the mean time!

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