To make this official it has been more than a month since my last blog update. I'm pretty sure that the few readers I had, I have now lost. So I must reclaim them. Life is getting crazy again and I'm starting to believe that it may just always stay that way. Which, if it stayed as happy and awesome as it is, would be just fine.
The updates (short version):
Christmas/New Years was spent with family and friends. There isn't much more to that, because that is the absolute best gift I always seem lucky enough to get. It was enjoyable, there was plenty of food, and far too much laughing. This year was the first year that I felt confident enough to make my own separate New Year's plans from my family. I spent my evening in the company of good friends, in satin, drinking fake bubbly. If New's Year's Eve defines how you spend the rest of your year then I'm feeling pretty confident that this year will be a great one.
School: Well, I got a B in my grammar class! And I don't have to take another grammar class for the rest of my degree! Life is absolutely grand, and I did far better this semester than I thought I would. This new semester is shaping up to be very exciting. I'm taking project lead (which focuses on group work and taking a project from start to finish), writing for the ear (essentially a speech writing/delivering class), professional prose (just the 2nd half of the course I started in sept.), Applied Rhetoric (the 2nd level of a course I took last year about the ancient method of arguing. It's weird, it's intersecting, it gives me mad skills), and screenwriting two (essentially the same as screenwriting one except I have to write a 25 page script this time), and that's it!
Life: Well, probably the biggest change is that I turned twenty and now must reconcile myself to the fact that I no longer can use the excuse of technically still being a teenager. It's a really weird age, and I'm not going to lie I did have a one day freak out about it but it's been two weeks and I think I'm cool with it. My birthday was really awesome and fun, again surrounded by family and friends. I think the weirdest thing about this birthday is remembering what I used to think turning twenty would feel like. I thought I was going to be a scientist (no lie) and have my own car, live someplace warm, and spend all my time with my friends from elementary school. Well, you guys know the truth. I'm not there, but I don't think I could have imagined how great my life is now. There still is some grey days but the sun is always shining if I want it to!
Anyway that's the update. I'll try and keep it up.
On the other note, my personal ramblings need to take a back seat because I believe my pop culture leanings have not been discussed in some time. There are three things everyone needs to know (in my opinion): one, Smallville keeps getting better and better and I'm seriously considering starting a pray group to ensure a tenth season (is that sacrilegious, oh well the Lord knows how much I need it), two: I discovered Phoenix over the holidays and everyone should check them out as well as buy the new Vampire Weekend album!!, and last but not least: I have come to the realization that my psychological well being is severely bettered when I consistently play brick breaker on my phone, and I will always love blackberry for that!
This week I'm having a Smith's reunion so you should check out: There is a Light that Never Goes Out, and Cemetery Gates!