Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Coup

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Well, I lied. I was not able to keep up with the blogging. Honestly I did have the time on Sundays like I said but my brain was so fired from all the writing I had to do for school that the last thing I wanted to do was write about myself. But it's almost the new year and I'm starting early on my resolutions.

Since the last time...
Well, a lot has happened since my last post, and before that I didn't mention. So, I'll just give you a quick highlights reel of my first semester this year.
The Top 10 of this semester:
10. Getting Home from Waterton and paying my full tuition!
9. Getting my credit card (not that I'm wildly spending its just a milestone of adulthood)
8. Dances, and Dances (I've been dancing like crazy this semester with the busyness of ysa but its been a ton of fun.)
7. Discovering Glee/Glee Finale (we discovered it this year as I mentioned in earlier posts and every week we became more and more obsessed, resulting in our glee finale party at my house, which was was really just us but still awesome!)
6. Scoring a 71% on my grammar midterm (still waiting for the final mark), an A- in short fiction forms, B- in editing (which is higher than I thought), and that's all I have so far.
5. Jason Mraz concert (it was amazing and like a tween I was so nervous to see my idol but it was the best concert I've been to yet!)
4. Return of rockband (well it was only one night but we all played some rock band and though I'm sure it wouldn't be as often, it was super fun! Even though I sucked!)
3. Stagette/Bridal Shower: My good friend got married at the end of november, so we had some parties to send her off right. It was a real fun time and so exciting for her!
2. Preference: My friend and I went together and were brave enough to ask some boys out on date! I asked a good friend from school and we had a lot of fun.
1. Wedding: it was one of the coolest things to see two of my really good friends get married. It was wonderful to see them so happy and it was so much fun!

Some of the downer/stupidly dumb moments:
- shutting my finger in the car door. I don't even know how it happened but the next thing I know my hand is caught and I was screaming. My finger grew to the size of a Bratwurst sausage and was weirdly twisted but has since healed. It was definitely one of the more embarrassing of my many injuries so far.
- it was -40 for a week and half. We have gotten so luck this semester with the weather until the end of november/beginning of dec. It got so cold and the worst part was I kept thinking of my friend JT at school in Hawaii. He made it so much harder to accept the cold this year. In other news, I have set a goal to move to a warmer climate.

Coming Soon:
Well this next semester is really shaping up to be really awesome. I have some exciting classes this next semester, which I am really looking forward to. I also have some exciting events coming up this semester. First off I will be turning twenty which is a big milestone birthday and weirdly old for me. Don't shoot me, older readers it just seems very adult. And I definitely do not feel like an adult. In February I will be volunteering for a writing conference. One of my teachers is organizing it and a bunch of Canadian authors, and industry leaders are speaking and manning panels including one of my personal heroes Hart Hanson, creator and producer of Bones! That is pretty much the reason I joined!

Also in February I will be flying to California to visit my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ken in Fresno. Hopeful we will be able to work everything out and go visit San Fransico! I'm so excited, because even if its cold there it will still be warmer than Edmonton! I cannot wait for reading week!

Then in March my friends from school and I will be heading to the Muse concert! It will be epic to say the least, and I'm more excited than I thought I could be.

Final Note:
I can't guarantee that I will keep up with this because the evidence against me is overwhelming but I'll try and give it a shot. It's fun to share what's going on in my life with everyone who reads this and get psyched up for what's coming next. Till next time then!